Literacy for early years

What can you see? CVC words
A picture board to be laminated. Children can use post-it notes or whiteboards to note down what they can see!

Peekaboo! Who’s Hiding - Easter/Spring
Easter & Spring theme ‘Peekaboo’ what can you see…
What can you see mat
Magnifying glass cut outs
Table sign
Use with post-it notes or children can write a list on whiteboards/paper

Tricky Word Agents
Tricky Word Agents
Use this activity with invisible ink spy pens (I bought mine from amazon)
The children can write and practice their tricky words and check using the spy pen light
Pack also includes table sign
Please note these are tricky words from my Phonics scheme so may vary to order of your setting

What Can You See? - Minibeast
Minibeast theme ‘What Can You See’ Polariod - 3 different sheets & flower cut outs

Peekaboo! - Who’s Hiding?
Peekaboo - Find the animals!
The children can either label on the sheet or you could laminate and they could write on whiteboards or even use post-it notes
Magnifying glasses
Table sign

Spot the Tricky Words
Tricky Word Activity…
Phase 2 Tricky Word sheets included - to, go, no, the, into
Children can use the paint dabber to ‘spot’ the focus tricky word. Once they have found them all, they could then colour in the background and even have a go at writing it themselves
You will need…
Paint dabbers / Bingo dabbers / Felt tip pens

Pancake Day Instruction Writing
As seen on my Instagram - two sheets one with pictures one without
Please note vocab discs are a seperate download

What Can You See? - Pancake Day
Pancake Day themed list writing - What can you see?
List templates for children to write the pancake toppings using their phonetic knowledge

Goldilocks Colouring Sheet
Goldilocks Colouring/Watercolour sheet
Bear, Goldilocks and porridge cut outs
Table Sign
Perfect for World Book Day or Traditional Tale Theme

Bear Collage Template
Goldilocks & The Three Bears ‘Bear’ Collage template…
Use with brown tissue paper, pastels, crayons and pencils for the children to collage and decorate
Perfect for World Book Day - you could use to support ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ too…
Bear cut outs & table sign also included

What can you see? - Flower Theme
Phase 3 ‘What can you see’ sheets - Spring/flower theme
2 sheets
Table sign
Flower cut outs

Secret Phonics
‘Secret Phonics’ pack…
Use with invisible ink pens - children can choose a word card and write it on their spy mat.
Contains spy mat, word cards (phase 3/cvcc), table sign and cut outs

Love Mugs
Mixture of Phase 2 & 3 picture prompts for the children to write what they can see…
Use with hot chocolate powder, paper, whiteboards etc

Label the Lifecycle - Butterfly
Butterfly Lifecycle Labelling Activity
Discs for table
Leaf hearts
Table sign

Golden Eggs - Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk theme ‘Golden Egg’ Phonics
Hen for table
Golden eggs with different picture prompts
What can you see? scroll
Children can write what they can see on the scroll